Step 2: Create & Start a session

Click on the "Session Configuration" tile on the homepage of You will be directed to the Session Configuration page.

  1. When creating the session, set the minimum number of datasets to be 2 and the number of rounds to be 5.

  2. Create a session using the pre-prepared data configuration and model configuration files we have prepared:

    1. Data Configuration:

      1. {
            "predictors": ["x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5", "x6", "x7", "x8", "x9", "x10", "x11", "x12", "x13", "x14"],
            "target": "y"

    2. Model Configuration:

      1. {
        	"experiment_name": "test_synthetic_tabular",
        	"experiment_description": "test_synthetic_tabular",
        	"strategy": {
        		"name": "FedAvg",
        		"params": {}
        	"model": {
        		"type": "FFNet",
        		"params": {
        			"input_size": 15,
        			"hidden_layer_sizes": [
        			"output_size": 2
        	"balance_train_datasets": False,
        	"ml_task": {
        		"type": "classification",
        		"params": {
        			"loss_weights": None,
        	"optimizer": {
        		"name": "SGD",
        		"params": {
        			"learning_rate": 0.05,
        			"momentum": 0.9
        	"differential_privacy_params": {
        		"epsilon": 4,
        		"max_grad_norm": 7

  3. Once you have completed session configuration, start the session by clicking on the button in the top right corner of the screen.

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