How Works

This page provides an overview of the user flows involved in IntegrateFL is the end-to-end federated learning platform that makes it easy for data scientists to create performant models using distributed data.

As a data scientist, you need to train models and conduct analytics across distributed data to get new and better insights. Your workflows are set up for training models on centralized data, and you don’t want to spend the time or money worrying about all of the complexities of multi-party machine learning, like managing infrastructure or participants in training sessions. is...

Robust - use robust privacy-enhancing technologies like federated learning and differential privacy to train models and run analytics across distributed data while protecting data privacy

Seamless - abstract away the infrastructure and administration challenges of distributed machine learning and integrate it directly into your existing workflows, so it is as easy for you as training models on centralized data

User Tasks

The following diagram describes the high level tasks that a Data Scientist User performs in to build a federated model.

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