Quick Start Tutorial

Run an end to end use case on integrate.ai without prepping your own data

If using the SDK to build a federated model, locate the "sample_notebooks" folder, where you will find two example python notebooks to reference.

  1. integratefl_api.ipynb - Use this to learn how to complete a session on the IntegrateFL sdk, which will result in a completed federated model

  2. integratefl_custom_lstm.ipynb - the IntegrateFL sdk comes with built in FFNet and GLM models, but we we also allows users to build and upload their own model types. Use this to guide to learn how to run a session with a custom model.

If using the UI to build a federated model, there are two Quick Start tutorials you can use to get familiar with the integrate.ai user flow.

  1. First Session - Use this to learn how to complete a session on integrate.ai, which will result in a completed federated model

  2. Custom Model - integrate.ai comes with built in FFNet and GLM models, but we we also allows users to build and upload their own model types. Use this to guide to learn how to create a custom model and upload it into integrate.ai.

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