Differential Privacy

What is differential privacy?

Differential privacy is a technique for providing a provable measure of how “private” a data set can be. This is achieved by adding a certain amount of noise when responding to a query on the data. A balance needs to be struck between adding too much noise (making the computation less useful), and too little (reducing the privacy of the underlying data).

The technique introduces the concept of a privacy-loss (typically represented by ε) parameter, which can be thought of as the amount of noise to add for each invocation of some computation on data. A related concept is the privacy budget, which can be chosen by the data curator.

This privacy budget represents the measurable amount of information exposed by the computation before the level of privacy is deemed unacceptable.

The benefit of this approach is that by providing a quantifiable measure, there can be a guarantee about how “private” the release of information is. However, in practice, relating the actual privacy to the computation in question can be difficult: i.e. how private is private enough? What will ε need to be? These are open questions in practice for practitioners when applying DP to an application.

How is Differential Privacy used in integrate.ai?

Users can add Differential Privacy to any model built in integrate.ai. DP parameters can be specified during session creation, within the model configuration. Read more about this in the Model Parameter Glossary.

When is the right time to use Differential Privacy?

Overall, differential privacy can be best applied when there is a clear ability to select the correct ε for the computation, and/or it is acceptable to specify a large enough privacy loss budget to satisfy the computation needs.

Last updated