Updating your Environment

When a new version of the SDK or other component is released, follow the steps below to update your integrate.ai environment.

Check version numbers

From a command prompt or terminal, use the pip show command to see the version of the integrate-ai command line interface (CLI).

To see the version of the IAI client, run iai client version.

To see the version of the IAI SDK, run iai sdk version.

You can compare these versions against the feature release versions in the Release Notes to ensure that your environment is up to date.

Update the integrate-ai environment

Run the following command to update the CLI and all dependent packages.

#Update the CLI tool
pip install -U integrate-ai

#Update the SDK
iai sdk install --token <IAI_TOKEN>

#Update the client Docker image
iai client pull --token <IAI_TOKEN>

#Update the server Docker image
iai server pull --token <IAI_TOKEN>

Last updated